Friday, October 10, 2008

Having fun with your money

Post ini dan beberapa post akan datang saya akan buat review ttg buku keewangan peribadi yang saya sangat sukai.

Title : How to get what you want in life with the money you already have
Author : Carol Keeffe
Publisher : Little, Brown and Company / 1995

Buku ini dah dibaca oleh saya untuk kali keberapa pun dah tak ingat, sebab ia motivate sangat. Jadi saya fikir untuk berkongsi beberapa perkara yang saya sukai didalam buku ini.

The change game - the game that changes your life while you save your change(duit syiling)
Menurut penulis ini, kita seringkali mempunyai duit syiling yang bersepah-sepah dan merata-rata. Contohnya dalam cawan atas peti sejuk, dalam laci, dalam seluar jeans, dalam beg dompet, yang bersepah dalam beg kerja/sekolah,didalam kereta dan dimana-mana sahaja. Cuba fikirkan suatu gol. Apa-apa sahaja yang kamu mahu contohnya set sofa, almari IKEA, novel baru, software baru,gitar,joran, apa-apa sahaja yang kamu inginkan sekiranya kamu mempunyai peluang untuk memilikinya I got motivated by saving for IKEA wardrobe kerana sekarang ini saya tak ada almari. Fikirkan benda yang betul-betul anda mahukan..


Ambil mana-mana bekas sekarang. Cawan, tupperware, stoking..apa-apa sahaja. Kumpulkan semua duit syiling yang merata-rata itu didalam bekas tersebut. Jangan tunggu untuk mendapat bekas atau tabung yang cantik. We need to keep the momentum. Ingat tu..guna sahaja apa-apa bekas dulu. Ok. Dah collect semua duit syilling yang bersepah??

Ini adalah masa untuk kamu merealisasikan apa kehendak yang kamu mahu. Benda yang kamu fikirkan ini harusnya adalah untuk kamu. Kerana will powernya akan lebih kuat.

Jadi, bagaimana untuk kamu menyimpan wang didalam tabung setiap hari.

Kadang-kadang bila kita bayar harga makanan , harganya adalah RM 5.50 kan, bayar RM 6 duit kertas jadi kamu ada syiling 50sen untuk disimpan. Jika kamu seorang yang menulis bajet, jadikan bajet kamu itu RM 6. Bundarkan. Jadi kamu dapat menyimpan untuk keinginan kamu tanpa menyakitkan diri. Jika pergi Giant, Tesco atau kedai runcit harga belian adalah RM 56.40 bayarlah RM 57 jadi ada baki syiling. Baki syiling itu masukkanlah didalam tabung.

The tips : choose a goal that you really want.
Others may criticize or poke fun at what you're doing, trying to rob you of your enthusiasm and hope. They may say the Change game is childish.
It is not childish, it's childlike.
The truth is, kids are masters at making boring jobs fun.

Baiklah sudah sampai ke tahap yang kritikal dalam permainan ini.
Kamu sekarang hendaklah mengambil sehelai kertas dan menulis dengan terang apa yang kamu inginkan dan tampal di bekas yang telah kamu isi duit syiling tadi.
Langkah ini sangat kritikal kerana jika kamu tidak tulis matlamat kamu, duit syiling ini akan menghilang digunakan untuk yang ntah apa apa. Dengan adanya tulisan yang jelas pada bekas tersebut kamu akan sentiasa teringat tujuan kamu bermain permainan ini.

Bagaimana untuk didalam permainan syiling ini :

1. Namakan gol yang jelas yang berupaya untuk memotivasikan kamu

2. Label bekas syiling kamu itu dengan goal kamu

3. Simpan semua syiling sehingga tercapai gol kamu

4. Enjoy keinginan kamu itu tanpa rasa bersalah ibarat dreams come true.

so,painless kan.

Many ppl find it motivating to place a picture of their goal on their change game container. Saya tampal gambar almari ikea itu. So semangat bila nampak tabung itu.

Percayalah saya dah mencubanya.
Saya berjaya menyimpan RM 30 didalam asb untuk matlamat pertama. Sebab saya nak sangat simpan duit masa tu.
So, second goal ni impianya besar sikit and in progress tapi saya sentiasa tersenyum kerana keinginan ini bukan setakat impian tetapi a dream that i will realize without hurting my pocket ;)

Marilah bermain permainan syiling. Nak motivate anak beli playstation pun boleh guna cara ni.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Budget Software

Dear Bloggers,

1) I'm sorry its been a while since the last time I drop in

2) I'm not disappear for nothing but I found another software that really useful to track your money

3) This software were really fun and friendly user

4) Try to google "AceMoney Lite" then start download it.

5) I have been using this software like 5 days. And its good

6) Enjoy tracking your money. Good Lucks.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Money Kira-Kira.Best trylah...

Semalam saya terjumpa link ni masa merayap-rayap baca pasal ASB dan pengurusan keewangan. Link ini bagi kita estimation penggunaan perbelanjaan kita dalam seminit,sejam,sehari,setahun hinggalah kesepuluh tahun. Best..Cubalah

Perkara bagi haruslah dikongsi bersama.
Berkat Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.

Takaful and Your Future

"Ain dah ada takaful?"tanya Anis.
"Takaful?Tak adalah Nis. Insurans ni semua bukan betul. Malaslah nak join" jawab Ain sambil lewa.
"Kenapa Ain cakap macam tu?" tanya Anis lembut sambil membetulkan kedudukan tudungnya yang berwarna biru air.
"Yelah entah betul ntah tak dapat Insurans tu kalau apa-apa jadi. Banyak orang cakap Insurans ni banyak menipu. Dalam kontrak macam-macam cakap, nanti bila dah jadi nak claim pun tak dapat kalau dapat pun makan tahun. Entahlah Nis, orang cakap juga kalau termiss bayar nanti burn lah Insurans kita. Penatlah bayar kalau macam tu. Kalau dah bertahun-tahun bayar tak ke membazir kalau akaun kita kena terminate." ujar ku sambil membelek-belek risalah Takaful yang diberikan Anis.
"Ain rasa Takaful tu apa?" soal Anis sambil memandang anak mataku.
Ni yang lemah ni kalau soalan defination...Huhu
"Sama jelah macam Insurans cuma namanya kot ke arah islamic sikit" jawab ku tak pasti. Apa ye sebenarnya takaful tu?? Tapi lambang baru Etiqa tu comel je tengok kan.
"Sebenarnya Ain, inilah salah faham kita tentang Takaful. Ain tahu tak Takaful tu tak sama macam Insurans?" tanya Anis lagi.
Aku mengelengkan kepala perlahan.
" Inilah perbezaanya." Anis menghulur sehelai kertas kepadaku.
Perbezaan Antara Takaful dan Insurans

Sistem Islam
Sistem Kapitalis
Sumbangan (Derma Bersyarat)
Pelaburan Saham yang HALAL sahaja
Pelaburan apa sahaja saham
Lembaga Pengarah
Lembaga Pengarah
Lembaga Pengawasan Syariah
Mudharabah (80/20)
Dividen (%)
Tiada Gharar ( ketidakpastian )
Gharar ( ketidakpastian )
Tiada Maisir ( Judi )
Maisir ( Judi )
Tiada Riba

Table taken from :

" Selain dari ia dapat melindungi kita dari musibah, Takaful juga berperanan sebagai tabung simpanan kita. Memang ramai orang diluar cakap macam-macam tentang claim Takaful dan Insurans. Namun, peratusan besar yang meyebabkan mereka lambat menerima claim adalah kerana kebanyakkan dokumen mereka tidak lengkap dan mengelirukan." Anis menerangkan kepada ku dengan mendalam.

Author's opinion about Takaful :
1. Think of your future : We don't know what might happen to us in future or even tomorrow. A lot of things can happen. We did not know also either we still alive tomorrow or our health will always be in a good condition. We wouldn't know if accident happen to us and we become paralysed and can't afford to raise our family anymore. Just like what people says " Malang tak berbau"...If you have save a lot of money and nearly become a Millionaire you wouldn't care maybe what will happen tomorrow because you still can continue living with security. But for those whose only had a little in the saving account, how do you think you can still support your daily expanse dan your family?? I think that Takaful can help us bu decrease our worried over money and security. They got minimum plan which allowed to save RM 100 into the Takaful account and you get great protection with it.

2. Savings : Takaful also keep some of the money that we pay in Takaful saving account ( its got some term. I forget the details ). This savings can only withdrawn after five years and I think its around 80% from the total account ( if I cite some mistakes, kindly correct it ppl out there =) ). And the account also gain interest around 5.5% per year ( if I'm not mistaken too). So calculate how much have save in five years plus the security Takaful provide.

3. Time to repay parents kindness : What have we do to pay our parents kindness?? Did our saving money are enough to let them live with comfort if anything happens to us. Would they have enough money to keep us if we become paralysed? or we will become burden to them again? I love my mama, I don't want my mama suffer anymore. After all the hard effort she have done to raised me what I want in the end is just She will become happppy ever after. So did you right...

For people out there who has fixed income every months. Who could save around RM 100 a month. I suggest sign up for Takaful. Good things are meant to be shared together =)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One two Goal!!

"Kak Mai,sakit kaki ain jalan sampai tempat kerja. Nanti balik nak jalan lagi. Tak larat lah." kataku sambil mengurut-urut kaki yang keletihan.
"Kenapa tak naik kereta?" tanya Kak Mai.
"Minyak tak laratlah kak. Tak balik modal pula rasanya pergi kerja naik kereta. Ain ingat nak beli motorsikal." Kan ke best kalau dapat beli motor, tak payah jalan kaki lagi. Tak payah kena keluar rumah awal sangat. Teringin pula nak beli skuter. Mesti chumil kalau naik skuter pakai baju kurung. Panjang pula berangan si Ain ni.
"Baguslah tu. Nanti kalau Ain dah habis belajar boleh bagi pada adik-adik kat bawah pula pakai. Sekarang ni kalau pakai kereta memang nak pakai banyak duit. Minyak lagi. Road tax dengan insurans lagi. Tu belum masuk nak service and kalau kereta rosak." sokong Kak Mai siap dengan hujah-hujah lagi.
"Berapa ye kak harga motor sekarang ni? Berbaloi tak kalau bayar bulan-bulan? Ke tunggu dah dapat kumpul cash dulu?" ujarku ragu dengan keputusan yang hendak dibuat.
"Baiknya bayar cash lah. Lagi murah. Tak ada beban hutang. Simpan duit pelan-pelan dulu. Sikit sikit lama-lama kan jadi bukit. Kalau kita nak buat pinjaman dengan bank pastikan kita dapat lebih untung dari pinjaman tu. Tapi akak ingat rasa macam susut rugi kot ada. Harga motor ke kereta ke makin hari bukan makin naik. Kena bayar interest lagi kat bank. Ikut Ain lah buat keputusan macam mana." bersungguh Kak Mai menerangkan kepada ku, tanganya pun laju membuat kira-kira belian motor.
"Agak-agak akak mana ok. Beli motor second hand ke first hand?" Tanya ku lagi inginkan kepastian.
"Second pun ok juga akak rasa. Bukan nak buat jalan jauh jauh kan. Nak pusing kampus dengan kawasan tempat kerja ni je kan. Lagipun motor second hand lagi murah. Tapi kena pandai pilihlah. Bawalah kawan-kawan ain yang pandai pasal motor masa beli nanti" kata kata Mai sambil menghulurkan kertas yang telah siap pengiraanya kepadaku.
"Akak, tak fahamlah apa yang akak kira ni. Add maths tak kredit lah masa SPM."berkerut-kerut dahi nak baca tulisan Kak Mai ni.
"Kalau harga motor tu dalam RM 2000, Ain simpanlah RM 350 sebulan. Nanti dah cukup 6 bulan dapatlah beli motor. Tapi akak rasa harga tu untuk motor second hand lah dapat. First hand mau-mau nak RM 4000. Kena kumpul setahun." jari telunjuk Kak Mai lincah menunjukan perkiraan yang telah dibuat diatas kertas ditanganku.
"Banyak juga tu kak nak kena simpan dalam sebulan." ujar ku hampa.
"Ain kena setkan goal dalam minda Ain yang ain nak beli motor. Bila dapat gaji nanti asingkan sikit dulu untuk motor. Pastikan itu yang pertama Ain bajetkan. Lepas tu setiap kali ada peluang untuk simpan duit. Cuba simpan. Beli nak beli benda bukan-bukan contohnya majalah fesyen ke Ain kena tanya diri Ain dulu. Majalah ke motor? Setiap kali nak beli barang yang mengikut kehendak, tanya dulu soalan tu kat diri." lembut suara Kak Mai menyapa telinga ku. Rasa macam nampak luas pula dunia ni bila ada Kak Mai.
"Thanks Kak Mai. Kak Mai selalu datang kerja naik apa?" tanya ku nak ambil tahu hal orang =P .
"Ada yang menghantar. Ni lagi jimat duit. Semua pun free." ketawa kecil terkeluar dari mulut Kak Mai.
"Poyolah Kak Mai ni. Nak tumpang sekali lah."
"Boleh. Boleh blah...."

1) Setkan goal dulu. Apa-apa pun boleh. Playstation 2 pun boleh juga.
2) Setiap bulan asingkan duit untuk goal. Asingkan yang pertama sekali.
3)Cuba tengok bahagian lain mana boleh dijimatkan-jimatkan. Duit yang tak jadi nak beli majalah tadi boleh masuk dalam tabung motor.
4) Makin banyak yang dijimatkan, makin cepat dapat tunaikan goal.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mencipta Logo

Tarikh tutup : 26 Sept 2008

Trace your money honey....

"Hah, dah tinggal RM 9 je dalam beg duit aku???" ujarku dengan terkejut..terkejut amat..
"Kenapa duit ko hilang ke?" tanya Min ( bukan nama sebenar)
"Taklah. Tadi pagi duit aku ada RM 50 sekarang dah tinggal RM 9. Apa je yang aku beli hari ni sampai duit aku tinggal banyak ni je Min?" tanyaku resah ala gelisah. Saku seluar jeans ku ku seluk, berdentang-denting bunyi syiling ku letak diatas meja. Pantas ku gapai beg tangan ku dan mencari-cari baki duit yang masih tersembunyi. Oh, ada RM 2 dalam beg tangan ni.
"Ala Ain, duit kan macam air. Jangan risaulah" lembut suara Min menenangkan perasaan ku.

Min's words makes me cool down. For a while. But I still wondering where the rest of the money go. Money can't disappear just like that. Money did flow but its not like water. Water can recycle maa, then after the re-cycling we can use the water over and over again. But money can't. I wish money can and if this possible then I don't have to write about money management and there is no one going bankcrupcy and there is no poor people all over world..but the reality always not as good as we wish I suppose...

There is no words 'I don't know what I buy, what I just realize that my money already gone'-tho I always used this phrase to my sister...

We should know where our money gone, then we can look back and see which and what part we can improved to makes the money that will go more worthy and give satisfaction to us.

To trace your money, you need to list all the stuff you buy or service you pay. Even it was only a pack of chewing gum. You can use buku 555 or your organizer or your hand phone. I see that some hand phone already have money organizer in their application. Then start to write down what you buy or pay. Every little cent does count. Then, in the end of the day group the items by Food, Transport, Books/Printing, Entertainment, Utilities bills, Rent, Clothes, Toiletries and whatever groups that you can think of. Calculate how much have you spend for that day and see is the total telly with the your balance or nor. If not, think where have you miss the 'money'...Then, think where/which part can you cut back your expanses or reduce the amount of it. Different people have different priorities...Some choose time, some choose money...So think about your priorities and make sure that you are satisfied with the money flow...There is nothing like 'my money disappear again'.. ;)

P/S : I would love to hear you tips,opinion and comment =) maybe the way you practise your money much more better than what I have read. Good things are meant to be share. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Save on books and printing.

My printer ink running out yesterday. I went to computer shop and asked about black ink and the owner told me it will cost RM 65 for the original ones. For me RM 65 its very expensive just for a small container of ink.
"Tauke, U boleh bagi saya lagi murah ka?" I said.
"Boleh boleh tak ada hal amoi. U ambil ini refill inject inker. I bagi amoi RM 20 saja." tauke dialog.
"Tak rosak ke printer pakai ini barang tauke? Saya tak pandailah nak guna" me again
"Aiya amoi. Ini senang saja ma. U follow itu manual ada dalam. Kalau tak boleh guna U mari pulang balik ini barang"
"Tauke bagi RM 15 boleh tak? Saya students.Please please" Don't forget to negotiate dude.
"U punya pasal amoi boleh"

This ink was using injection technique. I got two bottle of black ink inside the box. Then I follow the manual and surprisingly its work just like what the tauke said. I'm so happy because I can print more and more and more. I don't have to worried about saving my ink because it will cost me to death. So students out there, I would like to suggest you to use this technique. It will need a little effort to fill the ink. But the money that you have save will makes you smile.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.Spend Less,Have More

Resisting overspending in this month. Sometimes I love to buy food at Pasar Ramadhan. Usually I spend more than RM 5 there. Since I'm not eating rice I end up overspending my money buying kuih-muih, roti john,kebab and the list goes on. The beverages look delicious, so many colour and different taste. Air tebu, air cincau, air tembikai....I just can not go there. Too much things that can distract me to do logical calculation plus I'm a muncher. I come with several tips and rules for me to go there. Hope it is also useful for people out there too.

1. Only bring maximum RM 5. Now, I only have Rm 5, so this is the limitation to buy food and drinks. If we bring more, the more we spend. If we bring less the less we spend.

2. Decide what you want to have before go to Pasar Ramadhan. Have a short list of what you want to have. Try to avoid go there without any list. Usually we will end up buy food that we don't really want to eat. Let's say Nasi Ayam + a drink. Then, you already have a goal here so stick to your goal but if u find Nasi Kerabu or Mee Goreng there seem more yummy than Nasi Ayam feel free to change your list but stick to one menu only ( if you have one menu) .

3. Go with friends. Tell your friends to control what you buy and tell her/him what are looking for at Pasar Ramadhan. The best part is, you can share buying kuih-muih/fruit/murtabak together. Sometimes we craving more than Nasi or Mee and usually we can't finished another dishes after we eat main menu so share buying side menu with your friends. Sharing is Caring.

4. Negotiate with the seller for the price. If you and your friends buy Nasi at the same gerai asked the seller to reduce the price. If she/he decline then no worry guys at least we have try. Have a try is much better than don't have it all (based on probability try equal to 50/50 chance, did not try 0 chance).

5. Buy food near time berbuka. At this moment all the seller wants to finished their product as soon as possible. So maybe they will give you more kuih or big portion of Nasi and Mee.

Enjoy your time at Pasar Ramadhan. Selamat Berbuka.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Save lot at flee market or what-so-ever they call it.

I went to Danau Kota ( Setapak) today to survey for a curtain because I don't have curtain in my room. I want to buy the cheapest one and yet I want it to look cool and modern. I walk around survey and survey and survey then I found the curtain that I like. The tag price were RM 30 then I negotiate with the tokey and I get it with only RM26. I save RM 4 there.
I love flee market or what we called it here Uptown or Downtown. It always have whatever stuff we want-most of the time. The best part of this type of market is we can nego the price and it close at 3 a.m in the morning. So we don't have to rush to go shopping.LOL.
List of Uptown/Downtown I know :
Danau Kota-Setapak,Kuala Lumpur.
Downtown ( not sure what they call it ) - Seksyen 24, Shah Alam.
Petaling street-around Jalan Pudu near Kotaraya KL-open in day time. Got a lot of trendy beg but make sure you only nego if you want to buy the stuff. Don't ask me why.

My coins container already full. I have count it. Total = RM 32.
Goal- to save at ASB.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Money Management.One steps required only.

People always see coins as not worthy. They throw it everywhere. They did not see RM0.10 as an amount to start savings.
For university student like me it is hard to save fix amount of Ringgit every month. But we still need to save. After we have graduated and on the run to find jobs. We will need a lot of money. To pay the house/room rent, new office clothes, transportation and what so-ever.
So by start keep our coins we can have a little Ringgit to save every month. And I would really love to suggest to open ASB account because we can have the higher interest in the end of the year ( the highest in Malaysia if I'm not mistaken).
So now collect all your coins - inside your school beg, in the drawer, on your jeans..wherever it is collect it and put in a coins container or anything. Sometimes a mug or Tupperware will do. Or even in an old socks.
Or you can also use your coin money to buy something that you are really looking for. Example, you like to read novel. But to buy novel every month are quite costing so you can use the coins that you have keep in a month and buy it with free-guilt-feeling. To motivate you to save your money is by label your coins container with the things that you want to buy from it. You could also paste the picture of the things you want to buy. Last time I paste Guess handbag picture.
Enjoy your saving time. Good Lucks.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tips To Save Your Money

Tips to save your money

Newspaper - I love reading newspaper. So I bet you also love it too especially when we are university students we are thirsty for news and knowledge. But if you spend RM 1 / day to buy newspaper ( the cheapest one is Kosmo - inside University they sell it RM 0.70 ). Thats mean we spend RM 30 / month or RM 21 / month to buy it. If you save RM 30 / month in the end of the year, you have save RM 360. There is several ways how to save our money on buying newspaper.
1. Free read at the library - most of university library subscribe a lot of newspaper. Do your free read there.
2. Online newspaper - If you have access with internet you can read online newspaper. Some of the links here , ,
3. Share with your friends to buy newspaper. You can collect RM 0.20 per person to buy a newspaper. Usually we only read newspaper once only so do the smart way to read it. After all sharing is caring.