Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Save on books and printing.

My printer ink running out yesterday. I went to computer shop and asked about black ink and the owner told me it will cost RM 65 for the original ones. For me RM 65 its very expensive just for a small container of ink.
"Tauke, U boleh bagi saya lagi murah ka?" I said.
"Boleh boleh tak ada hal amoi. U ambil ini refill inject inker. I bagi amoi RM 20 saja." tauke dialog.
"Tak rosak ke printer pakai ini barang tauke? Saya tak pandailah nak guna" me again
"Aiya amoi. Ini senang saja ma. U follow itu manual ada dalam. Kalau tak boleh guna U mari pulang balik ini barang"
"Tauke bagi RM 15 boleh tak? Saya students.Please please" Don't forget to negotiate dude.
"U punya pasal amoi boleh"

This ink was using injection technique. I got two bottle of black ink inside the box. Then I follow the manual and surprisingly its work just like what the tauke said. I'm so happy because I can print more and more and more. I don't have to worried about saving my ink because it will cost me to death. So students out there, I would like to suggest you to use this technique. It will need a little effort to fill the ink. But the money that you have save will makes you smile.

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